for violin, cello and piano

The inspiration for “Nui” came from an email from Anne-Lise, a member of Trio George Sand, who has commissioned this piece. In Anne-Lise’s email, she wrote about Setsuko Klossowska de Rola’s work. Intrigued, I bought one of Setsuko Klossowska de Rola’s books. In her writing, she continuously talks about kimonos and describes the dying process used for them. This really fascinated me!
And thus came the idea behind this trio which involves colouring, either the distinctive colours of kimonos or, really, any type of dye. I imagined a droplet of colour falling, gracefully descending into water or onto clothes. And then, the colour spreads, following a specific technique of colour dye that Klossowska de Rola discusses in her book, which begins to take on form and shapes.

“Nui," means "stitching" in Japanese, and it's one of the techniques of colour dye used in kimonos, as Setsuko Klossowska de Rola also mentions in her book.

- Dai Fujikura (edited by Joseph Ehrenpreis)


僕は節子 クロソフスカ-ド-ローラさんの本を購入し、その中で彼女が常に着物や着物の染料について語っていることに魅了されました。このトリオのアイデアは、色を染めること(着物やどんな種類の染料でも)に関連しています。そして、その色が(クロソフスカ-ド-ローラさんが著書で語っている特定の色染めの技法によって)広がり、形を作り始めるという部分に僕は興味を持ちました。そのため、タイトルの "Nui" は、日本語で "縫い目" を意味し、これは着物の色染めの技法のひとつらしいです。
